Prepare the Way: Arrive
Dec 24, 2018 | Messages
Before the advent of GPS being built into phones (advent – see what I did there?), I used to have this old, sit it on the dashboard GPS from Magellan. I used it for work, and took it on trips across the country, and even to Puerto Rico once. Every time you would get...
Prepare the Way: Welcome
Dec 23, 2018 | Messages
Today, as we close on the Advent season, our theme is “welcome”, which kind of makes sense given what we will be celebrating tomorrow night. I saw a quote on Friday that made me think of the message today. It went something like, “Christ has already come for us, so...
Prepare the Way: Do
Dec 16, 2018 | Messages
Today, as part of week 3 of advent we’re celebrating joy. A topic of mixed reception in our family of faith right now. But today, in week 3 of our message series called “Prepare the Way” we’re working from the word “Do”. Now, I could preach a message to based on these...