See All the People: The Expectant Crowds
Feb 17, 2019 | Messages
Let’s dig into this passage from Luke 6 first through the eyes of Jesus, who encounters a large crowd made up of his disciples and many people from all over the region. When he looked, Jesus saw that the crowd was made up of people who were his...
See All the People: The Pressing Crowd
Feb 10, 2019 | Messages
The story in Luke 5:1-11 is about the beginning of a life-changing journey for Jesus and his future disciples, including you and me. After the temptation of the devil in Luke 4, Jesus began to teach in the synagogues. He reveals what he is going to do in...
Greater Gifts: Love
Feb 3, 2019 | Messages
Today we are looking at 1 Corinthians 13, the famous LOVE passage many of us know by heart, especially if you have been to a wedding recently. Hopefully, since week 2 of our “Greater Gifts” sermon series, you have had time to study and prayerfully...
Greater Gifts: Being Needy
Jan 27, 2019 | Messages
Don’t let the title throw you – sometimes it’s ok to be needy. The idea of being needy is usually associated with negative sentiment – it’s usually considered a bad thing. We’re going to talk about that today a little, but first… This past Monday, many...
Greater Gifts: Gifted for Others
Jan 20, 2019 | Messages
This is our second week of our “Greater Gifts” sermon series. Today, we will be exploring how we can discover, honor, and make use of the gifts God has given us. Last week, we looked at baptism as a “first gift” from God that places us on a lifelong...